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You can review your bids in your account information and review auctions you have entered. You can also view the current bids on a specific auction by checking the “Auction History” tab on that particular auction page. Happy Bidding!
Auction Disclaimer: All vehicles are sold as is and unseen in person. All internet bids will be processed on the bidders’ credit card if the items have not been paid within two business days from sale day. Any purchased items not picked up within seven business days of the auction will be considered abandoned and resold for storage.

Can Used Vehicles for Sale on Auction Be Trusted?

Perception of used vehicles being sent to auction have been mostly negative and that view is still prevalent today. The advancement of online technology and logistical support have propelled the used vehicles for sale market into many automated auction platforms. It is easy to see why when taking the ever-increasing interconnectivity between videos and photographs as well as social media platforms into consideration.
Getting information on used vehicles for sale in an online setting is getting easier every year. However, they are self-operating systems and in most cases were never designed to replace the trust as well as service quality of your reputable local workshops and dealerships. Stevo’s reputation is our guarantee, every one of our used vehicles on auction have been vigorously tested to ensure full functionality.

Stevo’s Collection of Used Vehicles on Auction

Pre owned vehicles find themselves in vicarious situation as they depreciate in value over time. Combine that with how they drain resources from dealerships to house, maintain and display then you can see why dealers would often look to free up their valuable real estate. Stevo knows auctioneers have the same goal, get the most value before anyone else has the time to realize it. We only list the most reliable used vehicles on our auction platform.
We go further than listing used vehicles for sale. Every part, wire and details are never too small for us to overlook. Our listing may not be extensive but that also speaks volume on our standards that we have been practicing for decades. A single used vehicle is a piece of a puzzle that we process with great passion to achieve the best value for our customers. The way we see it, we take the best aspects of multiple low value vehicles and produce something people will actively bid for their best values.
Sadly, not all used vehicles on auction are the same. By no means are we saying most vehicles for sale on auction are lemons, we are simple being realistic and saying that most probably are. We use our massive experience and expertise to identify those lemons and leave them as junk. Only the most reliable and functional parts make it through, and we put them together with skills equivalent to an absolute automotive art form.

You Have the Power

Auctioning used vehicles mean you have to look out for yourself. You have all the control to get the best deal of your life where most people wouldn’t even realize they exists, and the feeling is exhilarating. The downside is the responsibility of research and practicing standard detective skills to be able to identify lemons.
We encourage our customers to spend time matching VIN with various parts as well as past repairs to see if they are consistent. Note their insurance information where applicable and scour through every photo or additional information on that car scrutinizing every bits of detail available.
The feeling well all get from putting the work in researching, verifying and landing a fantastic deal in an auction setting is truly exhilarating!